The back is a complex structure based on the spine. The lumbar spine consists of five vertebrae, starting at the 20th vertebra from above. These are the largest among the other vertebrae, and downwards, from the first to the fifth lumbar vertebrae, the size gradually increases as this area is under the greatest load. In the region of these vertebrae, the back is called the lower back.
Lesions in this part of the back cause pain, and it is worth treating such problems carefully. Pain can be caused by both congenital anomalies and acquired diseases. These can be injuries, infections, tumors, hernias, etc. that occur during intense physical exertion. consequences.
Causes of back pain
In most cases, low back pain is caused by osteochondrosis. But he is not the only cause of lumbar pain. Some people don’t even know why their backs hurt. Back pain reflects a number of internal organ diseases, injuries, and physiological conditions, and this list includes:
- diseases of the kidneys and pelvic organs;
- physiological pain during menstruation in women;
- spinal cord injury;
- back muscle injuries (sprains);
- diseases of the digestive system;
- scoliosis;
- rheumatoid arthritis;
- infections that destroy the spine and cartilage discs (tuberculosis, epidural abscess);
- tumor processes;
- Reiter's syndrome.
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
In 90% of cases, back pain is caused by problems with the spine and back muscles. The lumbar vertebrae are more often affected than other parts of the spine. They are subjected to a huge load while walking, making it the center of gravity of standing people. In addition, there is a lot of pressure on the lower back when a person is sitting.
Musculoskeletal disorders can be asymptomatic for a long time, often with back pain being the first sign of the disease. It can vary in intensity and duration - intermittent painful low back pain or acute pain syndrome with pinched nerve roots.
The pathologies that cause back pain are:
- osteochondrosis;
- intervertebral horizontal protrusions, vertical hernia (Schmorl) and disc protrusion;
- primary and secondary (metastatic) malignancies in the bones and soft tissues of the back;
- myositis of the lower back muscles;
- osteomyelitis (an infectious purulent process caused by a pathogenic microflora such as tuberculosis bacillus or the pathogen of brucellosis);
- ankylosing spondylitis;
- radiculitis;
- sciatica (damage or irritation of the sciatic nerve);
- deforming spondylosis;
- rheumatoid arthritis and Reiter's syndrome;
- diseases of the sacroiliac and hip joints;
- epiduritis (inflammation of the dura mater of the spinal cord);
- rachiocampsis;
- injuries to the bone structures, muscles and ligaments of the back;
- metabolic changes in bone tissue (osteoporosis, osteomalacia).
Acute low back pain is often referred to as lumbago (back pain). The main causes are vertebral displacement, intervertebral hernias, and congenital abnormalities of the spine. The back pain can last from several hours to several days and suddenly stops when the "vertebrae are in place. "
Pain with kidney disease
Often, painful back pain accompanies renal pathology. It does not change with the position of the body and increases when a person is standing on his feet for a long time. It more often refers to unilateral and chronic diseases. You should see a doctor if you have back pain and the following symptoms occur:
- signs of intoxication and general malaise (chills, fatigue, etc. );
- swelling of the eyelids and face in the morning;
- violation of the urination process (frequent, painful, etc. );
- an increase or decrease in blood pressure;
- nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting;
- changes in urine parameters (too dark, cloudy, unpleasant odor, etc. ).
The appearance of blood in the urine and severe back pain are characteristic of an attack of urolithiasis. In this case, painful sensations can be given from behind along the ureter, to the lumbar region, the genitals and the inner surface of the thigh.
Hematuria may also indicate kidney cancer. But unlike urolithiasis, in most cases, the tumors grow asymptomatically for a long time and the back only hurts in the final stages of the process.
Low back pain and pregnancy
During pregnancy and childbirth, a woman’s lower back experiences tremendous stress. If the mother suffers from back pain, it may be a physiological phenomenon or it may indicate the development or worsening of the disease.
Increased load
Any physical activity can cause back pain. Summer work, weightlifting, intense fitness training, etc. may apply after.
Being overweight negatively affects the condition of the spine. Each extra kilogram puts extra strain on your lower back.
In obese individuals, the risk of developing osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernias increases dramatically. Obese people are prone to the development of kidney stones, the early onset of osteoporosis and other pathologies that cause back pain.
Other reasons
Sometimes the back hurts for other reasons:
- Abnormal. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, intestinal tumors, gallstones, etc. ); pathology of the pelvic organs (inflammation of the prostate, endometriosis, tumors, infections and inflammation); spinal circulatory disorders; atherosclerosis or abdominal aortic aneurysm.
- Physiological. Prolonged static load on the back, prolonged computer work, many hours of driving, etc.
Lumbodynia can radiate to the lower back during ectopic pregnancy and "acute abdomen. "
Types and causes of pain
When the back hurts in the lumbar region, one sometimes cannot even move. The nature of the pain may change within a day: you first feel dull and then acute pain in your waist, and then relieve it again. In addition, it can be constant and not decrease. At a young age, everything is more easily tolerated than in the elderly, when the lower back is constantly in pain.
Usually, pain is the mechanism for recognizing the problems caused by the disease. Pain reveals a hidden problem, so it has a huge role to play. But of course you can't tolerate him. You should contact a specialist immediately to determine the cause and prescribe treatment.
Chronic pain
Chronic back pain is a common accompanying disease of the spine and internal organs. It is pronounced and persistent in cancer patients with metastases or primary tumors of the vertebrae.
Sharp pains
Acute low back pain can indicate a serious problem that requires proactive tactics. The following pathologies attract him:
- spinal fractures and other acute back injuries;
- exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the joints;
- spinal epiduritis;
- intervertebral hernia;
- exacerbation of osteochondrosis;
- acute abdomen (intestinal obstruction, appendicitis, ovarian apoplexy, etc. );
- movement of stones with ICD or gallstones;
- pinched nerves;
- acute circulatory disorders in the blood vessels of the back;
- pyelonephritis in the acute stage.
If a pregnant woman feels a lot of pain in her back, see a doctor right away. In the event of severe pain in the child’s back, parents are required to show the baby to the pediatrician.
Severe pain
If you are worried about severe back pain and taking painkillers does not help, see your doctor.
Painful pains
Sore low back pain is often thought to be the result of muscle fatigue. This is a misconception. Sometimes the back hurts with severe pathologies of the small pelvis (prostate cancer in men, uterine cancer in women).
In addition, similar painful sensations are characteristic of slow infectious processes, growing benign formations, and hernias. They intensify over time, supplemented by other signs of the disease.
Displaced pain
If the back hurts and the intensity and duration of lumbodynia are different, the cause may be more than one pathology. It is advisable to arrange an appointment with a specialist and undergo a comprehensive examination.
Which doctor should I go to?
If your waist hurts, you should visit a therapist first. The doctor will record the medical history, describe the back pain in detail, perform the test, and prepare a plan of diagnostic measures. Depending on their results, prescribe treatment or refer to a narrow professional for consultation:
- neurologist;
- vertebroneurologist;
- gastroenterologist;
- neurosurgeon.
When the lower back hurts, diagnostic measures are prescribed in the complex. Laboratory tests, ultrasound tests, X-ray methods, instrumental tests and more are mandatory.
Bone X-rays are a simple and affordable diagnostic method. With the pathology of the spine, all existing defects can be seen in the images. Focusing on the data obtained, the doctor makes a diagnosis and determines additional tactics for treating a patient with back pain.
CT scan
In order to clarify the diagnosis and strictly as indicated, computed tomography is prescribed. Bone defects that caused pain in the lower back are clearly visible on the tomograms.
Magnetic resonance imaging is a modern, highly informative diagnostic method. It allows you to explore any part of the body. It is used to assess the condition of blood vessels, nerve structures, the spinal cord and internal organs.
Despite its relative safety, it cannot be assigned to "everyone in a row" who has a back pain. The study has several contraindications.
Possible complications and consequences of pain
If you do not see a doctor and determine the cause of your back pain, the consequences can be severe. One symptom is not negligible.
If the back hurts severely, spinal injuries or acute processes may occur in the abdomen. Ignoring lumbodynia with pinched nerves can lead to permanent loss of sensitivity and motor activity. Lower back pain has serious consequences such as rupture of internal organs, bleeding, abscess, sepsis, etc.
First aid for acute pain
In case of acute back pain, call a doctor or ambulance. Before the doctor arrives, the patient needs:
- take a "waist-friendly" posture;
- take an anesthetic and, if there is no effect, repeat the tablet in half an hour (give an intramuscular injection);
- relieves seizures with medication;
- eliminating any swelling by taking a diuretic or herbal tea;
- improves tissue nutrition by taking a complex vitamin and mineral preparation;
- lubricate the lower back with an ointment or gel.
Sometimes folk methods (horseradish, pepper or nettle tincture) are used. If your back hurts, you should follow a "unloading" diet to rule out irritants.
How to recover from low back pain?
There are several treatments for back and lumbar pain. But these are all related to traditional (medical methods) or alternative methods.
The traditional methods are:
- bed rest;
- drug treatment;
- physiotherapy;
- surgical treatment;
Alternative methods include:
- massage;
- acupuncture;
- yoga classes.
The main purpose of these methods is to alleviate suffering and the golden rule is "Do no harm. "
If your back hurts, you should first see a doctor and receive home treatment based on your diagnosis and recommendations. Injections and electrical interventions should be obtained at a health care facility, back massages, waist warmings and ointments, and tablets can be taken not only in the office but also at home. Self-medication and improper adherence to recommendations only hurts.
Drug treatment
Medical treatment should be prescribed by a doctor depending on the cause of the back pain. Self-administration of drugs is unacceptable.
Ointments and gels
Back lubrication is recommended for musculoskeletal disorders. The following types of ointments are distinguished:
- combined with several effects (anti-inflammatory, analgesic, curative);
- anti-inflammatory analgesics (containing menthol, lavender and similar ingredients);
- irritants (vegetable, animal or synthetic);
- chondroprotectors (for the repair and protection of cartilage).
If the lower back hurts but the diagnosis is not clear, do not use external agents.
Sometimes back pain is treated with injections. The doctor injects painkillers into the affected area. Blockade with anesthetics is used in some situations.
If your back hurts, exercise therapy is almost always recommended. Exercise helps strengthen the muscles of the lower back, improves tissue trophism and stretches the ligaments. The exercises are selected individually.
Massage therapy
Low back pain can be effectively eliminated with massage therapy. You can consult a specialist or perform the manipulations yourself. With pathology of internal organs and neoplasms, it is impossible to massage the back.
If you have a back pain, many diseases require physiotherapy. Physiotherapy is particularly effective in low back osteochondrosis. Magnetotherapy, laser treatment, electrophoresis, pulse current, hirudotherapy and other techniques are used.
Prevention of back pain
If a person has a chronic illness that can cause back pain, the goal of prevention is to prevent exacerbations. In order not to encounter this symptom in principle, you should first monitor the health of your spine. If your back hurts, preventative measures include:
- active lifestyle;
- daily gymnastics;
- a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals;
- adequate physical activity for the back;
- exclusion of lower back injuries;
- lack of stress;
- treatment of foci of infection.
Annual preventive examinations are of great importance to identify existing health problems in a timely manner and to prevent back pain.